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Kingsmen discipleship home

Transforming males into Kingdom Men. 


daniel & Lanakai ortega

Pastor Daniel knows firsthand the transformational power of a men's home. Years ago he entered a men's home broken and defeated. Now he's married, a pastor and graduate of Azusa Pacific University with a Masters Degree.
He's currently in a doctorate degree program in leadership.

Lanakai is a "pastors kid." She grew up in the home of pastors. As a result she has deep spiritual wells and is also a gifted worship leader and graduate from Bible college.

You can contact Pastor Daniel at or 323-767-4960.

WOmen's Abide discipleship Home
at Fresh Hope Ranch

Transforming females into kingdom women. 

Psalm 139:14

"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works;
    my soul knows it very well."